بنام خدا
cannot-transfer-the-download-to-idm-error-0x80004002 (English-Persian)
معمولا مشکل فوق در ویندوز های 7 و 8 رخ می دهد و برای رفع آن بایست بشیوه زیر عمل کرد
Problem In Win7,8
1- از نصب آخرین نسخه IDM مطمئن شوید
2- بر روی آیکون برنامه IDM کلیک راست کرده و گزینه Propertise را انتخاب نمایید و به زبانه Compatibility بروید و یکی از ویندوز های مثلا XP را انتخاب کرده و در ادامه گزینه Run this program as administrator را انتخاب نمایید
مشابه شکل زیر عمل کنید البته در آخر یکبار IDM را بسته و باز نمایید
When I try to start a download in my browser, I get an error message "Cannot transfer download in IDM". What is wrong?
1. This can be caused by some program that creates Delayed Start sections. For example it can be WinPatrol program. Such programs delete IDM from Windows autostart and launch it later with administrator rights. In such case you need to remove IDM from Delayed Start section in settings of this program.
2. Also this error happens when your browser and IDM are set to run under different privileges.
Maybe you have set to run IDM with administrator rights. This is not correct. Please open IDM folder, right click on "IDMan.exe", select "Properties" menu item, switch to "Compatibility" tab, and remove the tick from "Run this program as an administrator" checkbox (arrow 2 on the image). In addition, you need to remove compatibility with previous versions of Windows if there are any enabled (arrow 1 on the image).
If it does not help, try to do the same (check that "Run this program as an administrator" and compatibility with previous versions of Windows are disabled) for your browser executable file.
3. Also you may need to run IDM with administrator rights one time to register its DLL files. Exit IDM using "Tasks->Exit" main menu item. Then right click on IDM launch icon in Windows programs launch menu (arrow 1 on the image) and select "Run as administrator" (arrow 2 on the image).
Then exit IDM again and launch it normally.
If the problem persists, maybe some Spyware Remover program deletes registrations of IDM components from system registry. Maybe you have some application that has such function and you do not even know about it. It may have something like "Protector", "Defender", "Spyware Remover" or "Cleaner" in its name.